
This is a blog. Mostly.

I already had a blog (minimanifestos.blogspot.com), but decided it was time for a change. All of those posts are here and I’ll likely continue to write that sort of thing. But I wanted to have more flexibility, since I have loads of thoughts about things besides Mormonism and religion that never really fit on Mini Manifestos.

Here are the sections I have as of now:

Mini Manifestos: A collection of thoughts on religion, largely related to Mormonism. I write about doctrine, culture, changing perspectives, etc.

The Virtuous, the Lovely, and the Good Report and the Praiseworthy: Comments on media, typically my compilations of “Flash Reviews,” occasionally longer reviews of single works and other random musings that seem to belong here.

Poetry: Pretty obvious, poems that I’ve written. Many were written with the intention of them becoming song lyrics, but I have yet to do that or find a composer to work with (since I mostly dabble musically).

I’m also a Founder and Contributor at Millennial Miscellany, which you should check out: millennialmiscellany.wordpress.com.

If you have any thoughts, comments, concerns, suggestions, compliments, jokes, conspiracy theories, whatever- please send them my way, using this handy dandy “Contact Form.”

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