This Could Be Heaven?

I feel like the last week and a half or more has been rather tumultuous and challenging for a lot of people for a variety of reasons (which honestly is probably true for any given time period). Sometimes it seems difficult to believe in the goodness of people. There’s even Jean-Paul Sartre’s oft-quoted adage (from […]

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Faith, Truth, and Usefulness

I spent the vast majority of Friday and Saturday at the Richard L. Bushman Colloquium at BYU, sponsored by the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship. The theme was Mormonism in the Academy and many of the presentations dealt with the role of Mormon historians to some extent or another. My thoughts are somewhat […]

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Seeking Joyful Endurance

Endure to the end. What exactly does that entail? How should we do so? Why? Is that as miserable as it sounds? First, a verse that chats about this idea and the reward that awaits those that do “endure to the end”:  “Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect […]

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